AKC Fit Dog

Class Description: AKC FIT DOG course is a fun K9 fitness course. Learn basic canine conditioning skills to increase your dog’s performance, decrease risk of injury and stress levels. There are 3 levels 1, 2, 3 of AKC fitness titles—Bronze, Silver, and Gold can be earned in class. Each title requires a specific number of activity points to be completed, which varies based on title level. This engages dogs w/ their owners in low impact fitness-related activities, while minimizing the risk of injury or harm due to inexperienced instruction.

Owners will develop basic canine conditioning skills, including proper form for positions, canine fitness safety and skills to help with strength, flexibility, balance, stamina.

Attendees track their skills and progress using a provided AKC Skills sheet and will be evaluated at the last class (week 6) by the AKC Fit Dog Instructor/Evaluator, Jennifer Anderson and receive an AKC Fit Dog Certificate. 

Each dog team works on their own assigned  safely  spaced dedicated Klimb and/or  Cato brand board  apparatus and items however, to get the full benefit of the skills you will be learning, it is suggested that you have the following items at home, so that you can practice during the week. We will discuss options the first week at class and there is no need to purchase anything prior to the class:

  • Some type of raised platform that is sturdy and can hold the weight of your dog. The platform should have good traction on top. A KLIMB pedestal, Cato Board or other stable and low (12” high or less) platform is recommended. These can be easily homemade as well.

  • A Rubber Feed Bowl (these can be found at such vendors as Tractor supply, your local feed supply store - used for pivot and turn skills

  • A balance pad or equivalent (towel, yoga mat, pillow, etc.)

Important Note:All dogs must be up-to-date and show proof of vaccines and/or titers including Rabies to attend a class.

What prerequisites does this class have?

It is recommended that participants in this class have completed at least a Puppy or Basic Obedience Class. Dogs should understand the training and rewards game and be able to focus on tasks during class.

Please note…

This course is not designed for dogs in need of rehabilitation. This course is for physically healthy dogs with no significant prior injuries or ongoing conditions. If in doubt, request an evaluation and letter from your veterinarian stating your dog is cleared for regular exercise.

This class is $266.40 if you pay via credit card. Credit card payment is required during registration. This included the class fee and sales tax. Tuition is for 6, 1-hour consecutive class sessions This included the class fee and sales tax. Tuition is for 6, 1-hour consecutive class sessions

This class has a specific start date. You register for the specific class session. If you are absent, you can schedule a 30 minute private make-up class for $20 at the training school.