Dog Click - Trick Training - Therapy Classes in Rhode Island

Clicks and Tricks™

Class Description: Trick Training for Therapy and Fun

Nothing breaks the ice faster at a therapy visit - or charms a shy child better - than a dog who wows with fun and entertaining tricks. And tricks are a great way to build serious training skills as you help your dog understand the “training game” and learn all kinds of behaviors.

You and your dog will master a repertoire of crowd-pleasing tricks, including wave, shake, high five, roll over, etc. He can earn Trick Dog titles through Do More With Your Dog, too!

You’ll also learn how to use a gentle, motivation-based approach to build any behavior from scratch, put it on verbal cue, and proof it so it works in all settings.

How this class will benefit you at home:

  • Learning rewarding trick behaviors builds a dog eager to obey non-trick commands too

  • Tricks are one of the best ways to channel your dog’s energy

  • You’ll form a closer and more communicative bond with your dog

  • Tricks improve flexibility, balance, and concentration

Who is this class for?

Dogs of all breeds, one year old and older at the start of class.

What prerequisites does this class have?

All dogs must be current on vaccinations before the first class. Please bring your current documentation of your dog’s vaccination records to the first class.

This class is $266.40 if you pay via credit card. Credit card payment is required during registration. This included the class fee and sales tax. Tuition is for 6, 1-hour consecutive class sessions This included the class fee and sales tax. Tuition is for 6, 1-hour consecutive class sessions

This class has a specific start date. You register for the specific class session. If you are absent, you can schedule a 30 minute private make-up class for $20 at the training school.