Dog Behavior Training Classes - South Kingstown RI

Loose Leash Walking

Don’t Jump on Me!

Come! When Called

Behavior Bootcamp

Class Description: Replace Bad Behaviors with Good Ones

Is your small dog making like a jumping bean? Do you hear “Hey, who’s walking who?” as you are pulled willy-nilly down the street? Do you dread a door accidentally being left open because you know your dog will ignore you when you try to call him back? Kick those bad behaviors with this intense, challenging, positive-based set of classes.

  • Come! When Called: Never again shout yourself hoarse. Learn a brilliant technique created by Leslie Nelson to get lickety-split recalls every time.

  • Jumping: After this class, four-paws-on-the-floor will be all the rave.

  • Loose-Leash Walking: Say good-bye to embarrassing sled-dog moments.

  • Each skill is taught as a self-contained unit in two one-hour sessions. A package price is available for all topics.

How will this benefit you at home:

  • You and your dog will work together on solving behavior problems

  • You’ll feel more secure, knowing that your dog will listen around other people.

  • You’ll see results fast, and learn how to proof your dog’s behavior in all situations

  • An economical option to private in home training. Two hours of training on one topic.

Who is this class for?

Dogs of all breeds, six months and older at the start of class.

What prerequisites does this class have?

All dogs must be current on vaccinations before the first class. Please bring your current documentation of your dog’s vaccination records to the first class.

This class is $99.90 if you pay via credit card. Credit card payment is required during registration. This included the class fee and sales tax. Tuition is for 2, 1-hour consecutive class sessions

This class has a specific start date. You register for the specific class session. If you are absent, you can schedule a 30 minute private make-up class for $20 at the training school.